Just as you take care when you file your personal income taxes, you should take the same precaution when filing taxes for your small business. In fact, the IRS pays small business returns the same amount of attention to make sure business owners receive the proper credits and refunds to which they are entitled.
7 Audit Red Flags for Your Small Business
Critical Guidelines for Successfully Preparing for a Field Audit
When you are notified about an impending IRS audit, your first thoughts should center on how you can prepare for this process and have it play out in your favor. Just as you would prepare to defend yourself in court, you should likewise give your audit the same level of attention and care.
6 Simple Steps to Avoid an IRS Audit
As tax time approaches, your attention inevitably may turn to your risk of being audited. In fact, as a small business owner you could have reason to worry when you consider the small, yet still formidable number of small businesses chosen by the IRS for this dubious recognition each year.
Play It Smart: Strategies to Beat a Small Business IRS Audit
When you take into consideration the relatively small percentage of businesses audited by the IRS each year, you may think that you are particularly unlucky when the IRS singles out your small business for this purpose. While going through an audit understandably can be nerve wracking and downright inconvenient, you still have a number of resources available to you to make this process smoother and less worrisome. If or when the IRS zeroes in your small business returns, you can use these strategies to beat an audit.
6 Tax Return Details that Raise Your Small Business Audit Risk
You may pride yourself on being able to run a small business that provides quality services and products. For all of your success, however, you may be unaware that your tax returns could prompt the IRS to audit your company. In fact, many small business owners like you want to do everything in their power to avoid being audited. You can lower your own risk and continue to enjoy all of the success of running your own business by understanding some of the primary details that the IRS looks for when choosing whom to audit each year.
Tax Audit Alert: Should You Grant the IRS More Time?
Many people consider an IRS tax audit to be among their worst nightmares. Even as they make nervous jokes about being audited, people understand the grave legal and financial consequences that can come from being quizzed about their prior years' returns. However, you may be surprised to learn that the IRS does not always have the advantage when it comes to your audit. In fact, this organization routinely asks people to grant it an extension. You may at first be tempted to refuse this request. However, before you turn down their offer, you should consider some of the key reasons for granting the IRS an extension on your audit.
Being Audited? 5 Reasons to Get Audit Representation
If you're facing the prospect of an IRS audit, you may be tempted to go through the process alone. However, enlisting professional audit representation is an excellent way to reduce the stress of an audit and avoid unnecessary taxes. Here are five reasons to have audit representation.
Audit Reconsideration: Get the IRS to Re-Examine Your Case
An IRS audit reconsideration is a review that the IRS grants to taxpayers who have already completed an audit. The reconsideration is basically a re-examination of the case to look for errors that may have been committed while assessing the individual's tax liability. There are only a few situations in which the IRS will consider re-examining the results of a completed audit. As a result, it's important for taxpayers to know which circumstances qualify for reconsideration and how they can begin the process of requesting the review.
I Received an IRS Audit Letter: What Now?
Receiving a written notice from the IRS may trigger feelings of fear or concern. Receiving an IRS audit letter in particular can be a scary experience. What's in an IRS audit letter? Can you do anything about an impending audit? What should you do if you disagree with the findings in an audit letter?
IRS Examinations: What Should I Expect from an Audit?
If you find out that you have been selected for an IRS examination, you may easily become nervous about what to expect. An IRS examination, commonly referred to as an audit, is a detailed review of your financial situation. In most cases, the agency will only discuss specific matters that relate to a certain tax year. Do you know what exactly happens at an IRS examination? Do you need to do anything to prepare for it?
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